Opening a restaurant – Here are some useful guidelines

Opening a restaurant - Tips for opening a restaurant in Bulgaria; What should you consider when you are starting a restaurant business?At first glance, the mission of opening a restaurant seems very easy and simple. In practice, however, this is not the case at all. Restaurateurs face a number of requirements, norms, laws that cannot be ignored. In this post we will try to shed at least a little light on the whole process of opening a restaurant.

As with any start-up business, the first step is to register a company From here on, choose / rent a room. Here begins the more complex part on the way to opening a restaurant. As you know, the restaurant is a restaurant and as such has a number of requirements.

Requirements for the room

The room you have decided to use for a restaurant can be your own or rented. When renting a room, the thing that would make it easier for you is to rent an object that had the same purpose. Thus, the restaurant has already gone through the necessary procedures.

However, if the property has not been restaurant or other establishment, the property will have to be refurbished. For this purpose, an architectural project must be prepared that meets certain requirements of the law.

When opening a restaurant for the first time you are probably not sure exactly how many sinks you should have or whether one entrance for customers and loading with products is enough, etc. . You can consult the inspectors of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) on these issues. You need to contact the Regional Directorate in the respective city. You need to make an appointment with an inspector who will come to the site address. For the consultation you will have to pay him BGN 16 per hour.

Food safety in restaurants

Ensuring food safety is one of the most time-consuming procedures when opening a restaurant.

To successfully complete the procedure, the room must:

  • meet sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • have developed technological documentation for the food groups that will be sold at the site;
  • Have good practices for food production and marketing and a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system or food safety management system.

What’s next:

There are a few more steps you need to go through when opening a restaurant. To begin with, an application is submitted for registration of a site for production and trade in food in the Regional Directorate for Food Safety (RFSD). Attached to it should be a list of food groups that will be sold in the restaurant.

Within 30 days of submitting the documents, an inspector will contact you and come to inspect the restaurant. To successfully open a restaurant, you must have a food safety management system, good commercial and hygienic practices and a HACCP procedure (hazard analysis and critical point control).

If the inspection goes well and you meet the requirements, you will be issued a protocol giving you consent for the registration of the establishment. Then, within 15 days, the respective RFSD issues a certificate of registration.

Categorization of the restaurant

The next step is to categorize the restaurant. Depending on the number of stars that your restaurant will receive, many requirements also depend. The categorization is done by the Tourism Agency.

Registration of working hours

When opening a restaurant, this step should not be missed. The registration of working hours for a restaurant or other establishment is done to the municipality, and each municipality can introduce its own specific requirements. The obligation to register working hours arises from the moment of starting the activity. The registration period is between a week and a month.


  • In addition to registering with the RFSD, you must also go to the Fire and Emergency Safety Service to be issued a permit.
  • You must also sign a contract with an occupational health service, because you need to ensure healthy and safe working conditions.
  • In addition, you must enter into a contract with a disinfection, disinsection and deratization company.
  • Your staff must have certified health records;
  • You need to hire an accountant and a payroll specialist.

You are probably already convinced that the process of opening a restaurant is not easy at all.

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