VIES – What is it?


We have already told you in detail about VAT . Who pays it, how it is refunded and how the VAT registration itself takes place. In today’s article we will explain the essence of the so-called VIES and we will give you some details related to it.

What is VIES (Value Added Tax Information Exchange System)

The VIES is an electronic VAT information system between the EU and its Member States. This system serves to control intra-Community supplies of goods. It also deals with international transactions. In essence, it is an electronic database that processes and stores information from the VIES declarations of traders conducting intra-Community transactions. This information is exchanged at regular intervals between EU Member States.

The purpose of the VIES system is to compare and separate the difference in VAT rates between different countries. Countries like Spain, for example, charge different VAT rates than countries like Bulgaria. When such an international transaction is executed, it is necessary to compare the values ​​and observe their proper accounting on both sides.

The most important task of VIES is to ensure compliance with the “country of destination” principle when VAT is levied on intra-Community supplies. According to him, taxation follows the consumption of goods and services and takes place in the Member State where they are delivered.

The VIES declaration shall be completed if:

  • Carry out transactions with the supply of goods / services to a trader registered under the VAT Act in another Member State, incl. and when transferring your own goods. In these cases the place of performance of the intermediary service is where the recipient has established his independent economic activity. Art. 21, para 2 of the VAT Act /;
  • In mediation in a transaction with three countries between traders registered for VAT in other Member States;

When and how to submit a VIES declaration:

The VIES declaration shall be submitted by the 14th day of the month following the tax period to which it relates. Regarding the submission – it can be done on the NRA website – Submission of VIES declaration 

With VIES system you can check the validity of the VAT identification numbers of the participants in the intra-Community trade. To summarize and compare the values ​​of supplies from Bulgaria to other EU Member States. Information on the tax identification numbers of European companies,can be obtained from the NRA website or the EU website

We at T&G Consulting have extensive experience in the field and we would be happy to provide you with the necessary assistance! Your business is important to us! We will succeed together!